Sunday, February 23, 2020

Ethical issues in the service industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical issues in the service industry - Essay Example The main problem in this article is why the airplanes from the same company are operating with less fuel in their engines. There is a fuel policy which is posing an ethical issue hence risking the life of hundreds of passengers who fly with Ryanair airplanes. Even though the Irish Aviation Authority noted that most of the aircrafts left their destinations with more than the required fuel reserves, the ethical issue remains why the pilots waited for the 30 minutes minimum landing alarm from the plan. It is argued that this poses a threat to the customer’s lives. It is also argued that all the three planes that made emergency landings made their mayday landings when their fuel was less than the final reserve (Massey, 2012). The pilots were in ethical dilemma on whether to make their landings or not but they argue that declared their emergencies according to the EU safety regulations which require emergency landings in case the fuel runs below the reserve elevel. The solution is going to be applied based on the ethical issues which require that the airline upgrades its safety standards. The airline industry is one of the industries where safety is the most crucial thing. This is because most of the accidents regarding airplane have always resulted to 100% loss of life and property worth millions of money. It will therefore raise questions why an airline would have more than its three airlines making emergency landings due to shortages of fuel in their planes. There will need to be a review of the airline fuel policy in order to ensure that the planes do not run out of fuel while in operations. There would also be the need to review the price policy for the airline industry as it may not relate to the type of quality the customers are paying for. All this is aimed at ensuring that the company is avoiding ethical issues in relation to safety of its passengers. The Spanish government was forced to make an

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hanukkah Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hanukkah - Research Paper Example This account contains many of the elements that would evolve into the contemporary holiday. During this period it was indicated that a single candle be lit per household a night; a second option being that a candle be lit for each member of the family. This practice would carry on throughout a number of incarnations into the modern holiday.  Ã‚     There are a number of religious practices associated with the Hanukkah holiday. One of these rituals is the daily prayer service that occurs throughout Jewish homes and Jewish temples during the Hanukkah holiday. There is also a special prayer that occurs after nightly meals. Following the nature of the holiday season, Hanukkah is generally accompanied by families visiting each other and celebrating with elaborate feasts, with lots of fried foods (Gur 2008). While not required, each of the eight-days is generally accompanied by gift giving that slightly mirrors the Christmas holiday. Still, perhaps the most overarching ritual is the li ghting of the candles on each of the eight days. The lights can be candles or oil lamps and on each proceeding night a new light is added to the ceremony, until the final night with eight lights. Three main blessings occur during the Hanukkah celebration. The first night all three blessings are recited; however, on the other nights, only two of the blessings are recited. While there are elements of the Hanukkah holiday that are universal among all sects of Judaism, there exists some differentiation.